Daycare & Boarding

How do I book a daycare and/or boarding service?

To make a booking for daycare or boarding, please login online if you are an existing customer.

If you are new to our facility, please read this page regarding our current enrolment process.

How old does my puppy need to be in order to attend daycare or board overnight?

It is best to wait until your puppy is around 16 weeks of age before you start any daycare services. It’s also important to ensure that he or she has fully settled into your home and their daily routine before exposing them to further changes (we recommend at least 1 month at home from the day you pick up your puppy).

For boarding, we recommend to wait until they are at least 6 months of age, depending on their individual temperament.

We offer a 6 week Puppy Socialisation Program to help give your puppy the best opportunity to learn to be social and grow into a well-adjusted young adult!

What are your other pre-requisites for boarding and daycare?

We require dogs to be de-sexed if they are over 6 months of age. They must also have a current C5 vaccination. Please note that, for young puppies, the C5 vaccinations need to be administrated at least 14 days prior to attending daycare or boarding to allow time for the protection to take effect.

What is a trial daycare day and why it is important?

A trial daycare day is your dog’s first full day at our facility. We will conduct a behavioural assessment under controlled conditions and slowly introduce them to the playgroup. They are monitored closely throughout the day and acclimatise to spending time in different areas of the facility, including the boarding area.

The trial day is important to ensure that your dog is comfortable in the new environment. The assessment will also determine if your dog is suitable for group play in a daycare setting.

For dogs that plan to board with us, a trial day hugely beneficial for reducing any stress or anxiety during their future visits to the facility. It also allows us to see if they are able to participate in group play.

What does my dog do during the day when they are boarding with you?

It is important to us that your dog has a fantastic boarding experience. All boarding dogs enjoy enrichment during the day and spend their daytime hours in our daycare areas so that they get the exercise and social interaction they need, as well as plenty of cuddles from our staff. At night, they rest in their suites, content after a full day of play with their friends.

We also offer walking services for our boarding dogs to ensure that they get all the stimulation that they need.

How long can my dog board with you?

We offer overnight boarding to stays up to 2 weeks. For longer periods, we recommend finding a home environment for your pup.

We have a 2 day minimum if your stay spans the weekend, and over the peak holiday dates we also have minimum day requirements.

The reception is closed for drop off and pickups on public holidays with some limited exceptions.

Will my dog share boarding accommodation with another dog?

Your dog will usually enjoy a room to themselves. Two dogs from the same household will share a room.

During peak periods such as Christmas and Easter, your dog may be assessed for companion boarding. If suitable, your dog may be housed with one other four-legged companion. We will make all reasonable efforts to match dogs according to size, age and activity level.

Can I stay and watch my dog play?

Unfortunately no. Your presence may distract them from interacting with other dogs and integrating into the playgroup.

The best way to get an idea of what we do is to watch our Instagram stories we post daily (@mrwooflesdaycare). We post around 4-5 minutes of daycare footage every day! We also have photos of our facility here.

Do you feed the dogs in daycare?

We don’t feed the dogs “lunch” while at daycare (with the exception of young puppies who can bring a pre-packed lunch) because your dog will be very active during daycare. We do have “treat time” throughout the day. Please let us know if your dog has any dietary requirements or if you prefer that they do not receive any treats.

What are your opening hours?

Our operating hours are Monday – Friday between 7:30am - 6:15pm (last pickup time) for daycare services. The reception is closed between noon and 1pm.

The daycare is closed on public holidays, and closed for a short period over the Christmas/NY holidays.

Overnight boarding runs 7 days a week including public holidays. On the weekend, the reception is open between 9:00am - 10:00am and 4:00pm - 5:00pm by appointment only. The reception is closed for drop off and pickups on public holidays with some limited exceptions.

Doggy salon

What grooming services do you offer?

We offer exit baths, nail clips and ear cleaning services for our daycare pups. No fur clipping services are currently offered.

Will my dog be crated?

We operate a fully supervised and crate-free doggy spa.

What happens if my dog’s fur is matted?

Where we have found matting in your dog’s fur, it is often necessary to clip the fur short (externally at a grooming salon) as attempting to brush out the mat will cause distress or discomfort as the mat is tightly formed against the skin through the undercoat. Where there is excessive matting, we will endeavour to contact you for further instructions, as sometimes a bath is not advisable.

Any other questions?

Feel free to send us your question here!