New Customer Registration - Guide

A trial daycare day is required before daycare and boarding services can be provided.

Please follow these steps to register an online account for you and your dog(s) and request your trial day. Going forward, you will be able to use your account for all daycare and boarding booking requests, to upload vaccination records and to review photos and report cards.

Step 1: Complete the Customer Form

Visit our customer portal here and click “Sign Up”. Complete the New Customer information form.

Step 2: Complete the Animal Form

Complete the New Pet form for your dog. If you have more than one dog, please click the “Add New Pet” button at the bottom of the form and repeat the process.

When all pets have been added, click the “Complete the Registration” button at the end of page.

Step 3: Sign the Daycare Agreement and/or Boarding Agreement

Once registered and logged into the portal, please navigate to “Account” in the left sidebar.

Click the “Waivers and Agreements” and you will be directed to the Daycare Services Agreement. To agree to the terms and conditions, please enter your full name and the account password in the green box at the end of the page.

If you are interested in boarding, please repeat this step for the boarding terms and conditions.

Step 4: Upload your dog’s current vaccination certificate

All dogs must have a current C5 vaccination. Navigate to “Account” tab and then “Upload Files” and upload your dog’s current vaccination certificate.

Step 5: Book in your Trial Daycare Day

Go to “Book” on the left sidebar > Select your pet(s) > Select under booking category “Daycare & Boarding” > Request a “Daycare | Trial” > select the requested date for your trial, including your preferred check in and out times. Please note our standard trial day is 8am to 1pm.

Click through Services, Notes and Review pages (no action is required at the trial stage on these pages), and tick “I agree to the terms and conditions” and the “Submit Request” button.

You’re all done! Our team will review your reservation request and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.